Monday, November 22, 2010

Your Budget and You

Discussing your wedding budget with your wedding pros can be a bit awkward but it's essential that you're honest about what you can realistically afford.  When asked what the total budget will be for a wedding I often receive the response "I won't know until I start to price different things (i.e. florist, cakes)". WRONG! The bottom line is it doesn't matter what things will costs if you know you don't have the budget anyway.  Save yourself a little time and discuss your finances before meeting with your wedding pros; stick to your budget and hire a good wedding planner.  A good wedding planner will not recommend services that are beyond your reach.


Saturday, November 13, 2010

Pick a Seat

Undecided about seating arrangements for your sit-down dinner reception? Well let me offer a few suggestions. You have a couple of options here: open and pre-assigned seating. Open seating allows guests the flexibility to select their own companions and sit where they choose. With pre-assigned seating, guests are assigned to a specific table and/or seat. You can use a unique seating chart and table numbers or names that tie in to your overall theme. Regardless of your selection; do your guests a favor, have a hostess or assistant who is familiar with the room layout and table numbers direct your guests to their assigned area. There's nothing worse than forcing your guests to go on a scavenger hunt for their assigned table.


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